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Lawn Care & House Cleaning Services

Referral Disclaimer

At Blankenship Real Estate, we may provide referrals to third-party service providers, including but not limited to lenders, contractors, inspectors, and other professionals. These referrals are offered solely as a convenience to our clients and are based on our experience with these providers.

Please note:

  • Blankenship Real Estate does not receive compensation for referrals unless otherwise disclosed.
  • We do not guarantee the performance, pricing, or quality of services provided by these third parties.
  • Clients are encouraged to independently evaluate and select service providers based on their own needs and discretion.

By using any referred provider, you acknowledge that Blankenship Real Estate is not responsible for any issues or liabilities that may arise from your use of their services.

House Cleaners:

Ameila Bedelia Cleaning Services / 580-369-1443

Ardmore House Cleaning Services / 580-277-9474

Crossfire Cleaning/ 580-618-3013

Perry Cleaning Services / 580-490-1105

Suds Slingin' Co. LLC/ 580-247-0425

Lawn Services:

Greg Koch / 580-369-8053

Hillard Lawncare /580-618-5220

CKC Forestry/ Land Clearing & Clean-up Services/ 580-369-0539


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